Every year, humanity is using natural resources faster than our planet can renew them. Join us on our mission to enable sustainable industries and revitalise the health of the oceans.

We are revolutionizing seaweed cultivation through planting vast kelp forests at scale. Giant Kelp re-wilds our oceans, boosts biodiversity, revives coastal communities, and locks away carbon.

we started kelp blue to help repair the planet

As custodians of the planet we have a responsibility towards its preservation and protection. Excess CO2, ocean acidification and the destruction of marine ecosystems are just some of the areas where urgent action is needed. We believe cultivating kelp can be an important tool to address these issues, while creating meaningful employment in coastal communities.

At Kelp Blue, we are optimists.  

We consider how we want the world to look like for future generations, and we take action accordingly.

why giant kelp

Giant kelp, a species of brown algae, is known for its impressive size, growing up to 45 meters. It forms underwater forests that serve as vital habitats for a diverse range of marine life, including fish, invertebrates, and other algae.

Anchored to the seafloor by holdfasts, giant kelp grows rapidly in cold, nutrient-rich waters, up to 60 centimeters per day under ideal growing conditions.

These kelp forests play a key role in coastal ecosystems by providing shelter and food, supporting biodiversity, and aiding in carbon sequestration by absorbing CO2 from the water and atmosphere.

Benefits of Giant Kelp

Join us on our mission to enable sustainable industries, revitalise the health of the oceans, and leave the planet just a little better than we found it.

Rapid Growth

Cultivated kelp grows incredibly fast, up to 60 cm per day, allowing for frequent harvesting and efficient biomass production.

Biodiversity Support

Kelp forests create habitats that support diverse marine life, from small invertebrates to large marine mammals, boosting local marine biodiversity.

No Land Use Required

Growing kelp at sea means it doesn’t compete for land, making it a sustainable option that doesn't encroach on agricultural or urban spaces.

CO2 Sequestration

Kelp effectively captures and stores carbon dioxide, helping to mitigate climate change by reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

how does kelp sequester carbon

Kelp fuels its rapid growth, by performing photosynthesis – powered by sunlight, it removes carbon and nutrients from surrounding waters, and stores them into various parts of the organism (the stipe, the fronds, the bladders, the holdfast).

Kelp continuously releases organic material, some of which is minuscule and dissolves in water, called Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), and some larger material not able to dissolve in water. Any part of the kelp that breaks off and is visible to the eye is called Particulate Organic Carbon (POC).

DOC released by the kelp is either immediately consumed by microbes or is transported out to sea where it sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor. Because the bottom of the ocean is unlikely to be disturbed and has very little human contact, the risk of the carbon being released is considered very low, and it can be considered sequestered for extended periods (>100 years, which is relevant for mitigating climate change).  

Still more carbon finds itself locked away in the bottom of the ocean when parts of the kelp become detached and breaks down. These fragments, often referred to as POC, travel out to sea – sometimes thousands of kilometers. Eventually the kelp detritus sinks to the ocean floor where it remains. As with POC, this carbon is sequestered in the deep sea and is unlikely to be cycled back to upper ocean layers or the atmosphere.

scientific backbone

We’ve teamed up with The Kelp Forest Foundation to ensure the science and proof is there to support the carbon sequestration and biodiversity claims. The Kelp Forest Foundation aims to develop the framework for issuing verified Blue Carbon Credits for cultivated kelp forests, alongside valuing the many other ecosystem services of kelp forests.


  • Kelp captures and helps sequester CO2, reversing ocean acidification.
  • Kelp forests attract and protect marine life.
  • We create jobs in coastal communities, producing beneficial products and profit for our investors.


  • Kelp naturally grows at sea and is self-sufficient.
  • No pesticides or fertilisers are needed and no non-biodegradable waste is produced.
  • It has no adverse effect on the environment and requires no land which could otherwise be used for agriculture, housing, industry or infrastructure.


  • When done at scale, Kelp can be easily grown and harvested multiple times per year at minimal cost.
  • All of our locations offer ideal growing conditions.
  • Once planted, Kelp will keep producing and growing for many years.

The process

The Hatchery

The sorus tissue, the fertile material that is found on mature kelp blades, is taken to our hatchery. A safe and controlled environment where we nurture the kelp from near microscopic gametophytes, through to sporophytes - the multicellular leaf-like stage. Once big enough, the sporophytes are attached to a special wire and made ready to be planted in the ocean.



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